no image Advanced Tank Lining Brings New Benefits


Advanced Tank Lining Brings New Benefits - 26/05/2015

An advanced tank lining protection system is set to bring new benefits to the oil and gas industry in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Nova-Plate 325 is an amine cured, glass and ceramic filled novolac epoxy tank lining from Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine Coatings. It has been designed to protect steel storage tanks and vessels interiors from crude, refined products, chemicals and process water, including high temperature and high pressure service.

Conventional lining systems struggle to withstand crude and process water at higher temperatures and pressures, like the ones faced when extracting oil from deeper depths or processes working at elevated temperatures.

Facing 150°C crude oil at elevated pressures or 99°C produced water is becoming more common, and conventional linings cannot cope with the challenges.

Nova-Plate 325, which has already made inroads into the North American market since being launched in that region, offers benefits to the customer include coping with 150ºC crude and 99ºC process water.

The system also offers a quick return to service within 24 hours and high film-build, meaning it can be applied in a single coat. This brings further application benefits when compared with the scenario faced when using conventional multi-coat tank linings that can also be slow curing.

Expected uses include storage tanks, vessels and piping, for crude, refined products, chemical or process water handling or secondary containment, with key industries served including the oil and gas and mining sectors.

Joao Azevedo, Oil & Gas Market Director (EMEA region) for Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine Coatings, said: “At Sherwin-Williams we are in constant dialogue with customers in the oil and gas sector to ensure we are helping them meet the challenges faced by the industry.

“Dealing with deeper depths and non-conventional sources of hydrocarbon is pushing process temperatures and pressures higher, requiring specialist coatings and linings.

Lee Spoor, Project Development Manager Oil & Gas at Sherwin-Williams, adds: “A single solution for storage is becoming required whether dealing with crude oil at ambient temperature or more complex refined, chemical cargos at higher temperatures.

“It is also clear that the ability to be applied in a single coat and for the tank to be in service within 48 hours or less is crucial, with the industry pushing for ultra-high solid linings.

“We believe we have met these challenges and that we’re offering something new. We look forward to bringing the system to the EMEA market.”

Nova-Plate 325 is already an award-winning product in the US, and was named the Steel Tank Institute 2013 Affiliate New Product of the Year.


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